Just as Lilo & Stitch say “Ohana means family”.

“Ohana means family. Family means nobody get left behind”
Lilo & Sitich
My Ohana, my family, the Moeller’s. Family plays a vital role of shaping who we are as people, providing us with a foundation of never ending love, support and values.

” A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take”
Cardinal Mermillod
Mom, i will never be able to say thank you enough. You brought me into this world, and never stopped believing me. Endless amounts of cookies in the jar, to the fridge always being full, to dinner always on the table, and the pantry never being empty. Always my number one cheerleader, supporter, and believer. Allowing for failure, but being there to pick us again, but not allowing for giving up. There is always the bumps in the road, but you guide us over those bumps and obstacles one at a time, to never give up. You will always be the person i turn when i need guidance, or simply a hug. You taught us our manners, always to be kind to others, resilience and empathy. You’ve equipped us to navigate the world with confidence and compassion. Although there is times we don’t see eye-to-eye, it comes in good measures, at the end of the day you are my best friend, and the best momma.

“Being a daddy’s girl is like having a permanent armor for the rest of your life”
Marinela Reka
Dad, you’ve showed me love like no other person in my life. The way you love mom is the love i have been looking for my whole life. Watching you love mom the way you do is a gentle reminder to never give up on love. To never quit when times are tough, or when you slice open your finger on the job site. Your dedication to our family, to working endless of hours, to building our forever home. You are the knight in shinning armor that fights those demands for all of us. To teaching your love and passion for tile and granite, to creating master piece bathrooms and kitchens. The people pleaser, and never being able to say no. But most importantly to always loving me the way you do. Your one of kind BBQ sauce that no one ever will get the recipe, but always willing to share a bottle. You leave a legacy of love, and forever and always i’ll be your baby girl.

“There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother”
Terri Guillemets
Quinn, from concerts, to music festivals, to hockey games. There is no one i’d rather have by my side then you. You have been through the worst of worst, and never seemed to give up. You take care of us in every single way. Never saying no. Always being there, but more then just a brother, but as a best friends. Making sure we don’t get hurt, and if we do get hurt, you are there to make sure we are okay. To never fail, to never give up. Teaching us to ride a bike, and ski. For when we fall, you get back up again, and try again. Mastery never comes easy, expect for you. You have mastered the love for others, and yourself. You look after us like a second dad.

” When you treasure your sister, you also treasure yourself”
Dave Pipitone
Tana, I honestly don’t even know where to begin. You truly are my forever best friend. You have shown me the things that no one else has been able to. You know me better than anyone else, sometimes you know me better than I do. You listen, with most times no judgement, provide me comfort and never ending love. Like my second mom, you always know best. We have the best memories, the best laughs, and there is no person in my life like you. From fighting about sharing clothes, to spontaneous trips to Jasper, many ice cream runs, and the never ending car sing-a-longs. You are my person. We have watched each other grow into strong, independent women, but we always know we have each other when needed. Watching you create a beautiful life, finding your person, growing your farm, and now becoming a mother has been the most rewarding part of being your baby sister. I’ve always said, I want to be just like my big sister, and I still believe that to this day. Here is to our never ending bond, and love that has been built over the years.
My family is my everything, and i would not be where i am today if I didn’t have them. They have taught me strength, kindness, empathy, to never give up, but most importantly love. To love one other no matter what, to never leaving one behind, and to always remember we are the Moeller’s.