The metaphor I have chosen that represents me becoming a teacher, is me being an aunt to my older sister’s baby girl Sadie. I have chosen this because I believe being an aunt is similar to being a teacher. We are that second person in these children’s lives that is there for support, someone who we can turn to if we are struggling, someone who can teach us, as we teach them and watch them grow into their individual person. To practice being an active role model, celebrating those milestones and being proud of their progress. Being an aunt is a very rewarding opportunity, and a humbling experience. As a teacher and an aunt, I can emotionally support my niece and my future students, by being approachable and guiding them through their next journey. Becoming a teacher, as like being an aunt, may be difficult and may be overwhelming at moments, but sometimes we need to stop, think and enjoy the moment. What can we take out of this moment and turn into a good experience, or memory to cherish. The object I chose to represent my niece Sadie is the wooden keychain. Because I am away from my family, and don’t get to see them as often as I would like to, I will always have her with me all the time and she is there with me in heart. Having the keychain with me reminds me to always travel safely, and know that even if she may not physically be there, I have a little something to remind me of her. Sadie is my constant reminder that I can be this inspiring teacher I have always wanted to be, and to reflect on the hard days I may encounter. To never give up, take those chances, do something that may make us uncomfortable, to take that leap, do it, and make it happen.
Reflecting back to my teaching metaphor, as we finish up Block 1, Christine asked if our metaphor has changed. I think i have chosen the perfect teaching and learning metaphor. I know when I need a gentle reminder to what teaching is for me, and how can my metaphor encourage me through this learning process, I can reflect back to my niece Sadie, and how she continues to grow, she teaches me to be the best possible person I can. As her auntie, and as I continue this journey in teaching. She is my constant reminder that we can have hard days, but to see the light at the end of the tunnel.